It is the fourth day of February, and the weather doesn’t reflect the views of the groundhog. The sun is bright and blissful. All the school children started with winter gear and are returning home with layers peeled back. The plants are stretching toward the sunlight. Here is why it felt like a spring day in February.
Spring Day (Temp, Sunset, Outdoor Fun)
The temperature reached a comfortable 76 degrees. No jackets required after ten o’clock in the morning. The breeze was light and felt warm. I saw a few folks out wearing shorts and sandals. My mind told me that this trickery could have repercussions in the future, so I opted to keep on a hoodie and long pants. Nonetheless, out for a slow jog was the order of the day.
With every passing day, the sunset takes longer to announce itself. Just a few weeks ago, it would be completely dusk by six o’clock. Today, the sun slowly sinks closer to half past six. It’s giving very much that Spring is within arm’s reach. We took full advantage of the gift of a spring day in February.
Many folks use the local park outside, tossing footballs, walking, jogging, and sitting on park benches. We all enjoyed a spring day in February. Winter is far from the minds and behaviors of many in Georgia today. Sure, we should be preparing for one last eclipse of a wintery blast in the upcoming weeks, but we can focus on that tomorrow.
The sunshine, temperature, attire, and human engagement are the perfect potion that mimics good vibes. Here in Georgia, we embraced it all. Indeed, we know that we are still in the winter season. However, when given the opportunity, you can’t blame us for enjoying a spring day in February. With all the chaos in the world today, twenty-four hours of leaving my cares behind was a welcomed diversion. I’m longing for springtime to be able to get lost in nature to help keep my mind clear and focus steady. I am thankful for the gift today to meet tomorrow’s challenge.